*blows the dust off this thing* Oh, it still works! Hello! I know it’s been a few weeks since I last updated this thing, back in … SWEET JESUS has it really been almost NINE years?Read Moredaveography_ca_3.0.txt
The photography and musings of Dave Sutherland
*blows the dust off this thing* Oh, it still works! Hello! I know it’s been a few weeks since I last updated this thing, back in … SWEET JESUS has it really been almost NINE years?Read Moredaveography_ca_3.0.txt
When people refer to the “light at the end of the tunnel,” they are often meaning that their current situation is akin to being trapped in a tunnel, but that the end of that situation is in sight.
Me? I like tunnels.Read MoreThe Tunnel
Part I – Part II – Part III – Part IV After our lovely stay in Waterton, we headed west and then east. Our first destination was the Crowsnest Pass, mis-spoken
Read MoreAlberta and Montana Part IV: Crowsnest and the ‘Bridge
Part I – Part II – Part III – Part IV We went to renew our passports in July and answered the inevitable question of where we were going –
Part I – Part II – Part III – Part IV Dave and I enjoy the Rocky Mountains – we try to get out at least once a year. We’d
Workshops and models and meters, oh my.Read MoreGoing Strobist
I wanted to just write a short post about some of what I’ve been up to lately, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized just how incredibly much I have actually been up to. From there I thought about some of the things that led to the things I’ve been doing lately, which I guess really started about a year ago. It’s hard to believe how much can change in a year.Read MoreState of the Dave 2014
#PreciousTreasure FlickrBlogged, at the top of the post no less! #MyFavouriteMovieScene #DorothysRedShoes #ImOnlyHuman Also FlickrBlogged! #TheBusStop
#SomethingGoldSomethingBlue Strangely, this one made the Portuguese version of the Flickr Blog, but none of the others… #GettingCloser #TheSCurve This one made the Flickr Blog! #AnObjectsPointOfView #LoveIsInTheAir
Hi, this is Dave’s wife, Jenn. With the new year brings plenty of opportunity to reflect on the one that has passed, so here are five themes of our 2013.
Neither my wife nor I thought we were eating too horribly before. We didn’t eat fast food often, we didn’t eat a lot of frozen or processed foods, we snacked occasionally but not excessively, and we cooked a fair bit at home, often using fresh ingredients from our garden. But we decided we could be doing better, so we made a few choices. Some were easy, some take a bit of work and some took some getting used to. Overall, though, we’re happy with those choices, and things only got easier as we developed healthier routines.Read MoreEating Choices
Oh look I’m back! With a shiny new site and everything!Read MoreDaveography v2.0