Tag: sustainability

Edmonton Does Not Suck (Or at Least Could Suck Less)

Edmonton always seems to be just on the cusp of big changes toward building a more sustainable city, and we have probably the biggest potential of any city in Canada to set a new standard that cities around the world could look up to and strive to be like. But all the progress we make seems to stall, but I have some ideas that might help.Read MoreEdmonton Does Not Suck (Or at Least Could Suck Less)

Why I Don’t Do Earth Hour

I didn’t participate in Earth Hour. Do I hate energy conservation, environmental awareness, or do I not believe in global climate change or something? I would hope no one could accuse me of anything of the sort, given previous blog posts on cycling, local food, or composting. I just believe that making a difference actually requires some thought, effort, and sometimes money.Read MoreWhy I Don’t Do Earth Hour