Author: Dave Sutherland


Ochin is my baby gecko girl, hatched and raised by me from a little egg. She was a very patient model for me.

This is a bit of a departure from my usual landscapes and such, but really wanted to mess around with my LP-180s and the macro lens.Read MoreOchin

First World Nerd Problems

I was thinking about a shiny new tablet computer (Surface Pro 2), but I keep hesitating on committing to actually buying one. I already have a laptop that does me well enough – by that I mean it runs Lightroom and plays Civilization V. What I don’t have is a (portable) flash system for my camera. I did some quick math and figured I can get two units, modifiers, and a radio trigger system for less than I was willing to shell out for a Surface Pro and accessories. So I think maybe I want to go that way, since I will no doubt get more value from that purchase.Read MoreFirst World Nerd Problems