Edmonton Neon Museum

The “Hobos” (our little informal photography club) gathered in spite of the cold to witness the official light-up of Edmonton’s new Neon Sign Museum, an outdoor attraction featuring some historical neon signs from businesses and buildings of the city’s past.

Edmonton Neon Museum

The signs were collected and restored by volunteers, and TELUS generously donated the space on the side of their bunker of a brick building on 104 St. and 104 Ave. (where the 4th Street Promenade will meet the new Arena soon).

Edmonton Neon Museum

The result looks and feels even more fantastic than I could have imagined, and very quickly brought much welcomed light and interest to this currently somewhat barren part of downtown Edmonton.

Edmonton Neon Museum

Original Hobosters

Bonus shot of Hugh and Darren, two fellow Hobos, having a smoke after an evening shooting in the frigid climate.

Posted by Dave Sutherland Feb - 22 - 2014 0 Comments Categories: Blogography