The Tunnel
When people refer to the “light at the end of the tunnel,” they are often meaning that their current situation is akin to being trapped in a tunnel, but that the end of that situation is in sight.
Me? I like tunnels.Read MoreThe Tunnel
The photography and musings of Dave Sutherland
When people refer to the “light at the end of the tunnel,” they are often meaning that their current situation is akin to being trapped in a tunnel, but that the end of that situation is in sight.
Me? I like tunnels.Read MoreThe Tunnel
Went on a “Shoot a Roll of Film” Flickr meetup on March 30. I don’t shoot a lot of film, so it was a learning experience. And a lot of fun! Finally got my scans back today.Read MoreA Couple from the Film Meetup
Edmonton always seems to be just on the cusp of big changes toward building a more sustainable city, and we have probably the biggest potential of any city in Canada to set a new standard that cities around the world could look up to and strive to be like. But all the progress we make seems to stall, but I have some ideas that might help.Read MoreEdmonton Does Not Suck (Or at Least Could Suck Less)
Old Strathcona is what it is today because it is a vibrant, active, and desirable neighborhood. It will continue to succeed and grow with more residents, not more parking. It will survive the loss of a parking lot.Read MoreBuild Communities, Not Parking Lots Redux
I didn’t participate in Earth Hour. Do I hate energy conservation, environmental awareness, or do I not believe in global climate change or something? I would hope no one could accuse me of anything of the sort, given previous blog posts on cycling, local food, or composting. I just believe that making a difference actually requires some thought, effort, and sometimes money.Read MoreWhy I Don’t Do Earth Hour
The City Centre Airport is not the most important issue facing our city right now. It is a red herring in one friend’s words. It is the most talked about issue right now, and getting the most press, but far from the most important.Read MoreOn Airports and Elections
I was at the Southeast LRT presentation this evening for the 7:00 PM presentation and questions. Overall I think there is a lot of support for the alignment as it is and confidence that the right balance and compromises are being made.Read MoreSE LRT Presentation
People want to take the LRT, but they also want to be able to drive and park there. They see it as the best of both worlds: the flexibility and option of driving, and increased transit usage by accommodating drivers and regular transit users. I disagree. It is the worst of possible worlds.Read MoreBuild Communities, Not Parking Lots